Freediving Training Tips – Freefalling
Many times we get caught on our goals and we just chase depth, and neglect very important aspects of our dives.
One which often gets ignored is the freefall. On a deep freedive the freefall is the longest part of the descent and because you are not swimming (or pulling) down, if your body position is not streamlined, you lose momentum, speed, the dive gets longer, you lose concentration, and all this brings you to either mess up your equalization or make you turn because you feel you are running out of time. Or both.
You don’t need big depths to practice freefall!
What is important is to plan your freediving training session according to your abilities and limits.
For example, if you are a 50/60 meters freediver, you can practice during 35/40 meters freedives:
-Set your buoyancy so you start freefalling as soon as possible (around 15 meters)
-If you dont have enough momentum at the start of the freefall it will be very hard to keep your body in a nice and streamlimed position
-If you dont have enough depth available and if you are comfortable on FRC freediving you can do this instead, so to start your freefall already from 5/8 meters
-Try to do as many freedives as possible: dont push your bottom time and/or depth close to your limits; the harder each freedive is, the fewer dives you can do in 1 session
-If you have a camera ask your buddy to film at least some of your descents so that you can later analyze your technique and see your mistakes
Always take your time to work on these big and small details and this will make the difference between being a good freediver and being a (sometimes) lucky freediver.
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